Poster Workshop @ Şirince, Nesin Art Village, Muğla

At Nesin Art Village on 20-25 September 2021, We organized a workshop that adresses the relationship of bees and the systems that ensure the continuity of nature and the human being. The workshop aimed to increase the sensitivity of young people in both ecology and art by transforming the shared knowledge in this field into an artistic production. Our narratives on the impact of humans on bees and nature were enriched by the views and contributions of our participants from different disciplines, and opened up fruitful discussions. It provided an opportunity to look at the bee-nature-human relationship from a broad perspective and to deepen our sensitivity, as well as offering a platformto experience an intense collective production processes.

Our workshop took place as a sub project of 'Interdisciplinary Collective Studies for Social Change' consisting of 6 Programs curated by Işın Önol.
