Basket Hive Weaving Workshop @ İzmir
For the Love of Bee! have joined Bugday Derneği during the "Live and Let Bee Ecological Beekeeping Training" 4-7 December 2017 , at the Ugur Mumcu Cultural Center with the Ske- weaving workshop.
30 participants from various cities across Europe and Turkey have joined a workshop for 3 afternoons to weave their own skeps. The horizontal basket skeps often used in the warmer regions of Turkey have ceased to exist in the modern beekeeping practices. In this workshop a collaborative effort was put into learning a traditional method of creating natural hives for honeybees. The horizontal hives of 25 cm of diameter by 80 cms length long were produced with the guidance of a local basket weaver from Aydın.
Bee centered beekeeping practices emphasizes the importance of local traditional practices which suits the local bees and climate conditions better than the standardized hives.